CS486 D4P: Project Process (new and improved)

Opening Comments: Changes and Consequences

As you all realize, the Capstone course has been reconfigured under the new CS program, moving from a 1-credit Fall lab and a 3-credit Spring course to a single 4-credit spring course. What this means is that we have to pack everything into the spring term; things are going to be somewhat more intense --- but then you also get 4 credits for the experience.

Preamble: Things that apply to the whole process

Office Resources: You will need access to various office resources to support the wide range of contact/publication/presentation requirements within the Capstone process. Some of these resources are made available to you through the Capstone program, others you will need to provide yourself. Please review the Capstone Office Resouces Guidelines Document to understand the access and constraints that govern use of CET resources.

Conceptual Description of the Capstone Phases

Approximate Capstone Timeline, with links to details:

Jan10 - Jan30
Phase 1: Team Formation and Initial Client Contact
Jan 30 - Feb 28
Phase 2: Requirements, Proposal and Early Design
Mar 1 - April 20
Phase 3: Implementation and Testing
April 23