CS486 D4P: Project Process

Detailed Process Timeline

(all dates more than 2 weeks in the future are approximate and may be adjusted as we get closer and see how things are going).

Deadline Event Deliverables
Phase 1: Team Formation and Initial Client Interaction (Jan1 - Jan30)
Late December Projects Posted N/A
Dec-Jan: as specified Project Preferences Project Preferences Memo, . See guidelines
1/15 First Meeting Team Name, Logo, Website Url, and team leader. Emailed to Capstone Coordinator by team leader
by 1/16 First Client Contact Email introduction to client. Intro the team, suggest plan for meeting. Offer to follow-up with phone call.


Team Inventory.

See Team Inventory guidelines for content and format. In professional hardcopy, plus posted on team website. (1 pg memo, 1 pg profile each, plus resumes). Send to client, plus submit to mentor for grading.


Team Standards Document.

Team Website.

See Team Standard guidlines for content and format. In professional hardcopy to mentor, plus posted on team website. (2-3 pgs).

Skeletal Website, up-to-date so far. See Website Guidelines. Review with mentor at weekly team meeting, plus send URL to Doerry for updating departmental website.

Phase 2: Requirements and Design

DRAFT DUE: Requirements and Execution Plan

Requirements Document: See Document Guidelines, Requirements Capture. Submit hardcopy to mentor for review.

FINAL: Requirements and Execution Plan
(peer evals)

Requirements Document: See Document Guidelines, Requirements Capture. Submit to mentor for grading.

2/5 (2:20pm, Rm105)

Design Review I: Plan and requirements
(peer evals)

A Preliminary Presentation: See Overview Presentation Guidelines, Presentation Tips. Sample Grading sheet

Phase 3: Implementation

DRAFT: Software Design Specification

Software Design Spec: See Design Spec Guidelines

FINAL: Software Design Specification
(peer evals)

Software Design Spec: See Design Spec Guidelines

Phase 4: Testing and Delivery
April 2 (rm 105, 2:20pm) Design Review Presentation II
(peer evals)
Implementation should be largely complete. This review covers evolution of requirements, current implementation status, user/functionality testing plans, and plans for completion of final details.
See Secondary Review Guidelines , sample grading sheet
April 16 (room 105. 2:20pm)

Capstone Presentation Dry runs
Draft: Capstone Poster

All teams must attend all presentations. Draft Posters may be presented as a final follow-up slide in the presentation, as well as an scaled down (even 8x11 is fine) version presented to faculty mentor.
April 23

Capstone Conference
Final Project Presentation
Project Poster presentation

(peer evals)

The big one!
See Design Presentation Guidelines
See Capstone Poster Guidelines. You might also have a look at the "Build Better Posters" website for some great tips for poster formatting/presentations!
April 30

Team Website
Software Documentation

Final, detailed, comprehensive review and evaluation. All documentation must be complete (and included in archival team website as per guideline)
Friday of Dead Week

Final Report +
Team Reflection Document
(peer evals)


Complete Final Report on the project. Must include usability and functional validation results.

Completed Team Reflection Document to capture and reflect on your teaming process. Graded based on quality, thoughtfullness, and completeness. Don't need to write a novel here, but I want clear idea of how your process, tool use, etc was established and evolved. Be honest, I care more about understanding what actually happened --- and why --- than in what you wished/think you should/could have done.

See final report guidelines, Team Reflection Report template