CS486 - Senior Capstone Design
Guidelines for Team Inventory

After a design team has been initially structured, it is imperative that an inventory of talents, skills and special interests be established. The experiences, academic course history, special skills/talents, and interests of each individual team member must be inventoried and documented. This has several purposes:

For the client
This packet of information will provide the client with a preliminary overview of the team working on the project. This will allow the client to better understand what the team's strengths and weaknesses are, and how he/she can best support the team.
For the team
This provides the team with some knowledge of its collective strengths and weaknesses. Clearly, this information will be instrumental in individual task assignments, project selection, negotiating project specifications, establishing design philosophy and strategy, project scheduling, and overall project management. Moreover, this inventory may be used to restructure design teams if necessary.

Each team must document and submit a Team Inventory. Each Team Inventory must conform to the following requirements: