Computer Science Capstone Design
Capstone Project Description

Project Title here
Insert company logo here

Sponsor Information:

Sponsor name, job title, and full contact information




Project Overview:

Insert project description here. Submit a paragraph briefly describing each overall design task. These descriptions need not be specific since detailed specifications will be negotiated by design teams as part of the proposal development process. The goal, at this point, is to give students an accurate idea of what the project is about. As a loose guideline, about a page of text is quite adequate at this point.



Knowledge, skills, and expertise required for this project:

Describe any prerequisites for this project, e.g., skills or knowledge the students will need in order to tackle this project effectively. This is to give students an idea of what they will need to know or learn in order to complete the project.

Equipment Requirements:

Describe all equipment requirements needed for the project. Indicate exactly what level of support (funds, materials, other resources, etc.) --- if any --- may be expected from the sponsor for each submitted design task.

Please indicate, as well, what resources (e.g. machines, development environments, etc.) the sponsor will NOT provide, i.e., that students will need access to locally. Examples include "A C++ programming environment" or "a video camera and equipment needed to create digital video clips".

This information is crucial in developing a project proposal. Of course, detailed equipment needs and provisions for meeting them will be negotiated as part of the proposal. The goal at this point is merely to outline those needs.


Briefly describe the deliverables that will be required for the project. A general description is sufficient at this point; specific deliverables would be developed/negotiated between the team and sponsor during the opening project phases.