NAU Capstone Design
Capstone Research Experience (CRE)

Project Title here

Sponsor Information:

Sponsor name, job title, and full contact information




CRE Team Information:

Name, major, and expected graduation date of all CRE Team members.

  • If you have not identified a team yet, put "awaiting staffing" here.
  • If you have team members identified, attach resume of each team member.

Project Overview:

Insert project description here. Submit a paragraph briefly describing the overall research task. Begin with a few words on the area, then introduce the specific area, and finally give some bullets on specific goals of this research effort.  The goal is to give students and colleagues reviewing the project a solid idea of what the project is about. As a loose guideline, about a page of text is quite adequate at this point.



Knowledge, skills, and expertise required for this project:

Describe any prerequisites for this project, e.g., skills or knowledge the students will need in order to tackle this project effectively. This is to give students an idea of what they will need to know or learn in order to complete the project.

Equipment Requirements:

Describe all bulleted list of equipment (hardware, software, etc.) required for this project, and how these equipment needs will be covered (e.g. "available in my lab", "to be purchased in May with XXX funds").  Highlight especially what resources (if any) that members of the student team are expected to provide.

Software Deliverables:

All CRE projects have a pre-defined set of deliverables, including a literature survey paper, a final report and presentation, and more.  Use this space to describe in more detail the key elements of the software deliverable that you expect to produce as a research result of this project.  This should be seen as a partial (minimal) check-list for evaluating project success.