CS486 - Senior Design
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Website for CS486 Capstone projects from previous years. All Capstone project teams and projects archived for the world to see. Click on team names to go to their websites.

Sponsor Homepage. An introduction to sponsoring Capstone Design projects for the CSE program, along with links to relevant information and documents.

Disciplinary Process for Non-Performing Team Members. Another link to the process mentioned in the syllabus.
If you don't do your job in the real world, you get fired. Simple as that. The CS Capstone course enforces this reality by allowing teams to "fire" non-performing team members as a last resort, after going through the formal disciplinary process outlined here. Fired team members receive an "F" for the course and are barred from further participation with the team. This should never ever happen...but, regrettably, it sometimes does come to this...

Useful Products/Tools:

  • Proxysource, a very functional and free UML editor
  • ArgoUML, another open-source UML editor project. Notes: Cool features Java: runs on Win and Linux, current version (2/2002) a little bit unstable, Java slow one some machines

Photos of Capstone Projects, presentations, etc. --- see your predecessors in action!

A really interesting article on team dynamics: COPING WITH HITCHHIKERS AND COUCH POTATOES ON TEAMS