A web-accessible visualizer for
paleontologic data |
Sponsor Information:
Sue Priest
Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey
2255 N. Gemini Dr.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Project Overview:
The USGS archives a vast amount of paleontologic data from USGS projects
throughout the country. In an attempt to make this data more accessible
and tie it more closely to the geologic data it coincides with, we would
like to produce a web-based interface that enables researchers to efficiently
access and use the data in multiple forms.
We would like to use an existing map and dataset from Oregon for the prototype.
The Roseburg, Oregon 30’ x 60’ geologic map is already published
as USGS Open-File Report 00-376 and can be seen on the web at: http://geopubs.wr.usgs.gov/open-file/of00-376/.
The map area covers the southeastern margin of the Oregon Coast Range and
its tectonic boundary with Mesozoic terranes of the Klamath Mountains.
There is a micro-paleontologic dataset for this area residing in Microsoft
The successful result of this project will be an official USGS publication,
with the members of the project team listed as co-authors. This project
potentially serves to lay the groundwork towards developing a enterprise
level delivery system for paleo data for the entire nation.
Prerequisites: |
Website development, database design and management, integration
of existing software programs and customized subroutines.
Knowledge of image processing and GIS
Equipment Requirements: |
Required: Access to a software development station is required.
Copies of software licensed to USGS will be provided as needed.
A loan of or access to computer equipment, if needed, is a possibility.
Deliverables: |
The student team will be expected to propose and deliver:
- Web template with geologic base and capable of calling
up paleo data/reports
- Automated mapping of sample locations
- Paleo report generation
- Search capability on items such as stratigraphic
unit, age, lat/long, etc.
- The database may have additional data
added at a later date.
- Roseburg paleo-data would ultimately be
published giving the Capstone team a formal publication.
Electronic delivery of all documentation in PDF,
HTML, or Microsoft Word is preferred.