Capstone Design Course
Teleconferencing Charge Form

Instructions for Capstone-related team conference calls:

  1. Print out a hardcopy of this form. Fill out the top part in advance of making your call
  2. Go to Rm265, which is the designated teleconferencing room and place the call to your party. When prompted, enter the special code for your team provided by your faculty mentor.
  3. Fill out the remainder of this form: Note the start time of your call and the duration.
  4. The team leader MUST sign the form. The form is then turned in at the front desk for delivery to Juana Blum (accountant).

Capstone Related Telephone Call Report

Capstone Team Name: _______________________________ Date:___________
Department (circle one): CS EE ME CENE

Team Members Present: ____________________________________________________________

Client Name (name of person(s) you're calling): __________________________________________

Client Company/Organization: ________________________________________________________

Client Phone Number: (____)________________________

Call Start Time: _______________ Call Duration (in minutes): ___________

I verify that all information provided on this form is accurate to the best of my knowledge, and that this call was made expressly for purposes related directly to our Capstone Design project.

Team Leader (print): _________________________________

Team Leader Signature:_______________________________