<your team logo here>
Weekly Team Task
Status Report

Report Number:

<Just an ID for the report. I recommend 1,2,3, etc -- keep it simple>

<Note: my comments and instructions are in pointy brackets; should be removed or filled in --- do not appear in submitted report>

Team: <Team Name>

Meeting Date: <today's date>

Project Title:
Team Members Present: <list first names of all members; I will mark those present at the meeting when we meet.> On-Time: <just list first names, just as for item at left>

Progress of Team Meetings:

Last Meeting(s): <list date, time, and place of all teams meeting in the past week>

Next Meeting(s): <list date time and place of meeting planned for coming week>

Communications Problems: <Document any communications breakdowns that have become evident; serves to point out that some misunderstanding occurred, but that it will/has been addressed. Should convince that you've taken measures to make sure it doesn't happen again>

Last Week: Status of On-going Tasks:

<Every task that was a current task in the previous week(s) should appear here. The idea is that we need to track tasks that are in progress. A task that has been completed appears in this section once to document that completion, and then can be left out of future task reports. Each task should be reported on separately; below I give a sample for an imaginary task:>

Task Title: Prototype main admin page Task Initiation: 3/15/01 (Report #14) Original Due Date: 3/20/01
(Report #16)
Status: OVERDUE, 4 days

Create an admin page that has all of the database management function, including creating, modifying and updating table schemas. This will become the primary control interface for admin personel who need to maintain the data model underlying the web site.

Responsible for Task:

  • Primary responsibility: Martin (75%), will get main page outlined and put together.
  • Jeff (25%) will get provide the widget updating mechanism

Outcome(s) and Progress:

  • Martin has completed his part and has tested the core functions of the admin page. He is awaiting Jeff's components for final testing. Has demo'd to team.
  • Jeff has a working prototype of the updater going; has demo'd to team
  • This task will be finished by next week


Jeff has been swamped by the security hassle in the back-end DB --- but this does not excuse slipping the schedule on other tasks. We need to do better to keep all critical paths on time.

This Week: Current Tasks:

Task Title: Prototype main admin page Task Initiation: 3/15/01 (Report #14) Original Due Date: 3/20/01
(Report #16)
Status: OVERDUE, 4 days

Create an admin page that has all of the database management function, including creating, modifying and updating table schemas. This will become the primary control interface for admin personel who need to maintain the data model underlying the web site.

Responsible for Task:

  • Primary responsibility: Martin (75%), will get main page outlined and put together.
  • Jeff (25%) will get provide the widget updating mechanism

Specific Progress Goal(s) for this Week:

  • Be able to bring up the main project page, with all core elements in place
  • Have the "create schema" functionality working and ready demo.


Upcoming Tasks: Planning

<This is just a sketch of upcoming tasks. The idea is to look ahead into the future a little; focuses your attention on what's coming up and what you need to do to prepare. Below is a sample:>

Task: Create the job scheduler module to dole out work to the worker processes. This will prevent deadlocks from occurring in processing. Estimated start date: Next week Depends on:
  • Josie must complete the "worker registrar module"
  • Tom has to debug the crashes occuring in his "worker" prototype.

Timeline check:

Slippage: <Summarize the up-to-date status of the project. Itemize all slipped items and sketch plans for getting back on schedule. Note that this could mean either getting the work done, or modifying the overall schedule to accommodate the slipped item ,e.g., shorten some other development time frame (careful!) to make time to complete some task. >

Notebook Status: <simple: is the notebook up to date or not. If not, I should see tasks to get it done in the current weeks tasks!>

Website Status: <whether or not website up-to-date. If not, refer to tasks above the aim to fix the problem!>

Other Problems/Issues:

<Just a space to put miscellaneous issues or concerns that you would like to discuss during this meeting --- or just want to document.