Test Map #2: A big, more complex urban landscape

Here is the file containing the map: 50test.txt

In this test, we are less interested in the detailed function of your searcher, and more interesting in some real world scenarios! We'll start with some simple point-to-point travel...and then move on to a cool "emergency services" scenario.

Scenario 2.1: Some simple point to point travel

This is the basic Google Maps scenario: You are at point A and want to get to point B...google maps should show you a route.

Run the following tests:

  1. Depth-first search
  2. Breadth-first search
  3. Best-first search
  4. A* search using your straight-line distance (hSLD) heuristic

Required output:

Scenario 2.2: Emergency!

This is another common Google search scenario: you want to find a route to "the closest <whatever>". In this case, imagine that you are an ambulance at a bad accident, and need to find a route to the hospital....but there are three hospitals out there. Which route will your searcher return? Will your patient survive a non-optimal route?

Run the following tests:

  1. Depth-first search
  2. Breadth-first search
  3. Best-first search
  4. A* search using your straight-line distance (hSLD) heuristic
  5. Oh no! You just heard the the hospital at AK is full!
    Remove AK from the goal list and re-run (only) your A* search again. For this search only, include a screen snapshot of the resulting search graph, i.e., shows the graph with the found path showing in red.

Required output:

Note for scenario 2: In the inconcievable case that you ignored the spec requiring the ability to set multiple goals to a search, please preface your output on this part with the following statement: