CS470/570 Artificial Intelligence
#1: Testing your solution!
The tests for Part 2:
At this point, your Fred Flintstone solver should be all done and ready to run a few easy tests, producing output as described. To test the performance of your Boggle solver, run your solver on the following test boards:
For each of your runs, paste the output to a text file and print it out. Please observe the following:
- Output from each run must fit on a single page; only one problem per page.
- Print out, then label each output page clearly: write something like "4x4 testing output" on it front and center in big red marker. Don't make me guess what output this is!
- As noted in the assignment statement, your output should be maximally similar in information and overall format to the sample output. That means each run must show: Total number of moves made (word possibilities explored), the time the run took, and total number of words found. Then it must show 1-, 2-, 3-...X-letter words found, followed by an alpha-sorted list of words.
- Put all your labeled output runs in the order shown above in the proper place within your output packet.
Have at it!