Chapter 2 Problem Set

Rules: Individual work only. Because theory is abstract, there a generally many variations in concrete answers to problems; if I see strangely similar answers, I'll be pretty suspicious!

The problems:

Taken from the end of the chapter.

#5. Assume here that L0 means "language L after zero iterations of recursive step, i.e., at the basis", etc for L1, L2.
Add-on: Part (d): Describe the language produced in plain english, plus give and explanation (by referring to how it is constructed in the recursive step) of how you arrived at this insight.

#8 (don't forget closure!)

#13 (be sure to reason carefully: describe L1, L2, L3 individually, then reason about the intersection)

For the following, I want not only the regexp, but a clear explanation of why the regexp generates the target language. See examples 2.3.9 and 2.3.10 for what I mean by this ---> I should be convinced that you have constructed a viable regexp for the language.

15, 24, 31, 34

To hand in:

I'll want a very clean and readable write-up. The "Standards for Homework" posted on the web page apply to your work in this class. As theoretical work often involves lots of pondering and erasing I recommend that you (a) work in pencil and (b) use scratch paper to figure it out, then write up the final version neatly.