The STOVE capstone team consists of 4 senior Mechanical Engineering students at Northern Arizona University. Stoves objective is to improve the

JetBoil camping stove’s efficiency by boiling 16.1 liters of water per 100grams of fuel. That will be a 14% increase from the current JetBoil.



Project Sponsor: S.M.A.R.F.

S.D. Miller and Associates Research Foundation is a non-profit organization under a Congressional District Programs.

Our mission is to improve the quality of life through scientific research and education.



Team Page

Project Statement/Specifications


Final Design

State of the Art Research

UGRADS Presentation

Description: S:\Capstone\ME\ME-Cap-01\WebsiteMaterial\Home_files\image001.jpg









Last Updated: 4/29/2012 3:48 PM