Welcome to the Team BASK webpage for our Capstone project with SEAKR Engineering, Inc.
Project Presentation:
Team BASK would like to welcome all to attend the Celebration of Undergraduate Research and Design on Thursday April 23, 2009 in the du Bois Center.  The schedule for Team BASK's Oral and Poster Presentations is listed below.
Oral Presentation: 10:00-10:30AM in the Fremont Room
Poster Presentation:  2:30-4:00PM in Room B
Both presentations will take place in the du Bois Center located on south campus. For an overview of the Celebration of Undergraduate Research and Design, click here.
SEAKR Engineering, Inc.
Northern Arizona Department of Electrical Engineering
Project Overview:
The project objective is to design and implement a Reconfigurable Computing Card (RCC) to be used for academic advancement in Electrical Engineering concepts and to gain a real world understanding in design flows of printed circuit boards, HDL, and current technology implementations. 
The skills to be acquired through this project are: Data Sheet Analysis, Implementing Design Flow, Memory Management, FPGA Core and Controller Design, Experience in Current Technologies and Industry Standard Tollsets, and Experience working with a design team. 
The duration of project is two semesters, with the first semester focusing on PCB design, including parts selection, design of printed circuit board, power and ground checks, and populating the PCB with selected parts.  The second semester focuses on FPGA design, including confirmation of functionality of all components, design of three FPGA images for Reconfiguration of the computer, simulation/synthesis, and verification of cores and algorithms.

Team Members:
Team BASK is composed Barry Wutzke, Andrew Petaisto, Steve Walker, and Karl Groll.  Please visit our Members page for a more detailed description of each member and their responsibilities.
Project Presentation:
Team BASK will present the completed project at the 16th Annual Celebration of Undergraduate Research and Design.  This event takes place on Thursday, April 23, 2009 in the du Bois Conference Center on NAU campus.
Last Update:
March 26, 2009