Business Web Solutions

Project Introduction

Tailored Tutoring

Our client is Robert Lokken, owner of Tailored Tutoring Co., an online professional tutoring company based in Flagstaff, AZ.
Tailored Tutoring Co., and their uniqe Homework Submission Service:

  1. Customers take a picture of a homework assignment
  2. Upload the image to
  3. A professional tutor will record a video walk-through to help complete the assignment

While this feature provides a lot of value to students, it is currently a tedious and time-wasting process for our client to complete himself.

Problem Statement

Tedious, Manual

Currently, the website is poorly optimized for mobile and most customers use their mobile phone camera to take the picture. Every transaction's file exchanges are done by email, and our client, Mr. Lokken manages every part of the process. Tutors must wait until he gives them an assignment to work on, students have no interface to track their purchases, and the CEO must be involved in every part of the process.

Tailored Tutoring Workflow This figure demonstrates the difference between the current implementation and how many steps the client is involved in, and our implementation, with an automated system that removes all personal management from daily tasks.

Solution Overview

Automated, Streamlined

As this business started to succeed and attracted more customers, the amount of work required to complete one transaction became unsustainable. So our goals for this project were to completely automate the submission process and improve the site by:
  • Building with mobile in mind by using the Bulma CSS framework which utilize a mobile-first design philosophy.
  • Automating the problem-submission process by building a new web portal. Customers and tutors will have profiles, with assignments submitted with a designated subject and automatically sent to available tutors.
  • Incorporating a database to store these personalized profiles and tutoring videos for students using MongoDB. This way, all files exchanged are saved long-term.

To view our project and an explanation, head to the Project Tab.

Team Updates

Design Review 3

Our team developed and delivered a professional design review presentation, and received project feedback for our current status in the project. We discussed technical implementation, application prototype, and our testing plan.

View Design Review 3

Software Testing Plan

Our team developed a testing plan for each component of our software. We chose a unit testing framework for JavaScript, discussed our retroactive integration testing measure, and developed a usability testing questionnaire to verify our design for the front-end.

View Software Testing Plan

Design Review 2

Our team developed and delivered a professional design review presentation, and received project feedback for our current status in the project. We discussed technical implementation, application components, and completed project requirements.

View Design Review 2

Software Design Document

We detailed the inner workings of our software application, what technologies we will be using, how they will interact, and what each one will provide to our app. This document should provide a mid-level implementation analysis to the reader, and convey why we have chosen each technology to use.

View Software Design

Communication Report

We wrote a report outlining how our team will be communicating, in all forms, and how what guidelines we will hold our team members to during the Spring semester.

View Communication Report

Winter Vacation

Winter break starts today as finals come to a close for Fall 2017 at NAU. Development will begin January 8 in the new year with training tasks. Happy Holidays!

Technical Demonstration

We built a React JS application using MongoDB and other technologies to adequately show that our tech stack is feasible. We implemented User Signup and Authentication, File Uploading, and Email Notification, and demonstrated this app to our mentor.

Requirements Document

We finalized our Requirements Document, and had our client verify and sign it. We now have an official contract with our client, as well as a schedule, and list of functionalities and constraints.

View Requirements Document

Design Review 1

Our team developed and delivered a professional design review presentation, and received project feedback for our current status in the project. We discussed technical feasibility, risks, constraints, timeline, and main requirements.

View Design Review

Project Schedule

Our team schedules most of our development time to be in January, and the first half of February. Our project schedule aims our team to release a first version of our application by the second half of February. We incorporate debugging, client feedback, and user testing after our first release in February, and throughout March.

Team Schedule - Photo

Technology Feasibility

We finalized our Feasibility Document, and had each team member responsible for a major section in the document. We now have an official document outlining our technology of choice, our criteria, and desired functions for each technology.

View Feasibility Document

Team Standards

We developed an official Standards for our team members, which outlines our team policies in all areas that relate to our members and their conduct.

View Standards Document

Team Inventory

We developed an official Inventory of our team, which outlines all of our members' skills, experience, and education.

View Inventory Document